Relief backpack
are you ready
for your walk?
Discover the Relief backpack,
a backpack that will take care of you
and guide you along your path!
start your journey by listening to the Relief podcast!
No matter which unique path you take, it's important to get to know yourself. Self-awareness might seem like a no-brainer, but this isn’t always the case. That's why we created this podcast, so you can learn more about what you're going through and the resources and the different self-management strategies available to you.
living with anxiety and depression
Petrona Joseph, author of the bestseller "Stigmatized - Breaking the Silence and Demystifying Mental Illness", shares her journey with Édouard Murat, mental health worker at Relief. Petrona shares her personal moments and the tools that have helped her better navigate the ups and downs of her mental health, including the self-management approach. An inspiring discussion that emphasizes on the importance of asking for help and taking care of yourself!
*Discover our podcast "vivre avec l'anxiété" with our special guest Martin Binette and Lauriane Boulerice, mental health worker at Relief (only available in French).
your well-being, our mission
Your mental health is in your hands, and the choices are up to you. You will be able to pick and choose the behaviours best suited to promoting your own well-being and quality of life, because you are the expert on your mental health.
hatha yoga with Christine, mental health worker at Relief
On Thursday, September 23 at 12 p.m., we invite you to join us for a 1-hour Hatha yoga session. It is suitable for all levels and will take your body through a series of postures uniting your breath with each movement. This flow will prepare your body and mind for a fulfilling Relief walk! (No previous experience is required)
Materials required: a yoga mat, a blanket and 2 blocks (if you have them).
guided meditation by Édouard, mental health worker at Relief
On Wednesday, September 29 at 12 p.m., we invite you to join us for a 20-minute guided mindfulness meditation. It will incorporate different breathing techniques and a body scan. We will take a moment to observe and be in the present moment, preparing you for a successful walk. No previous experience or equipment required.
how to prepare for the Relief walk?
The first thing you need to plan is where and the number of kilometers you will walk. By now, you've decided whether you will walk alone, in a team or with your pet like Louise. We invite you to discover her diary that will inspire you on your journey.
Another important thing to plan: your equipment.
Think about packing a water bottle, a snack, a hat, sunglasses, headphones (to listen to our podcast), a raincoat and of course good walking shoes. You can also buy the "Happy" or "Smiley" socks from Horace. For each pair sold, $5 is given to Relief - a comforting way to support the cause of mental health. un imperméable, et bien sûr, de bonnes chaussures.
Some people will feel the need to train before D Day by shorter walks and gradually raising the number of kilometers. This type of training is recommended particularly if walking isn't part of your daily routine or if you have a very high goal.
Keep in mind that this isn't an Olympic race! Overdoing it or competitive mindsets are not a good mix with mental health. Pleasure, yes! You can always revaluate your goal and lower or raise it from the original length and you will still achieve success.
Because every steps counts when it comes to mental health. Even the smallest.
how to reach your fundraising objective?
You've registered for the Relief walk, you've created your profile on our website (approved by our team), and you've determined your fundraising objective. You're already off to a great start! Now, you ask yourself: "How am I going to raise all this money?".
We're encouraging each participant to raise a minimum of $100, but nothing is stopping you from aiming higher for $200, $500, or even $1000, if you're up for the challenge.
We often worry that we're setting an objective we can't reach, but don't underestimate your abilities. It doesn't mean that you have to set unrealistic goals, but just that you souldn't put too much pressure on yourself. Because above all, the objective of the Relief walk is to take care of our mental health.
we're sharing 5 tips to help you reach your goal:
It may seem obvious, but oftentime we limit ourselves to who we consider "close". Your family (immediate and extended), your friends, your colleagues and even your neighbours can contribute to your goal. For example, you can create a group on Facebook Messenger and share your personal Relief link for donations. Sending emails is also an option but then you won't get the power of group interations - and the healthy competition between your cousin who is donating $50 and another who is donation $75!
share on social media
When you post on social media you have the ability to reach a larger audience. You can post before and during the Relief walk. And if you take a photo or video during your walk, it's even better! No matter the platform you choose, don't forget to use the hashtag #theReliefwalk et and tag us On our side, we've prepared a few visuels you can use on October 2 and 3.
share your story
Everyone boasts the power of storytelling, and with good reason. People who listen or read your story are more likely to donate if they can make a connection to it. Only share what you're comfortable with, you don't need it to be super detailed. Respect your limites of what you are ready to share and what you're keeping to yourself. When you share your testimony, for example on social media, be sure to explain why you're walking and why mental health is a cause that matters to you.
use your creativity
Our participants never fail to amaze us with their creativity. And it can pay off! Some people even create mini-campaigns to promote their fundraising. For example, you can offer to walk a certain number of additional kilometers if your fundraising goal is reached or even mention on social media people who have donated more than $100.
the added bonus: financial benefits!
Donations of $20 or more are tax deductible. Don't hesitate to include this information when you're raising money. It can make a difference in raising $10 to $20.
2021 toolkit
Discover the tools to help you prepare for #theReliefwalk. Use our ready-to-go images to promote your participation on your social media and show your commitment to mental health. Because walking for mental health already puts you on the right path!
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn images
Instagram images