relief affaires

looking after your organization’s
mental health is essential

The costs associated with mental health issues are exorbitant for companies.


According to Deloitte, 30 out of every 1,000 employees miss work each week due to mental health issues.



By 2041, the costs linked to mental health problems, for the Canadian economy, will amount to

$ 2.5


of disability costs are attributable to mental health issues.


Beyond boosting productivity and lowering costs:

“Workplace mental health programs can improve employee engagement as a collective measure of employees’ attitudes, attentiveness, and intensity of effort related to their work and workplace.”


but where to begin?

The recommendations are unanimous investing in employee mental health is integral to a company’s overall strategy and requires the implementation of a variety of initiatives that address the full spectrum of mental health.

The path to mental health

Relief for business

Relief offers services to companies and organizations based in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada to support them in creating a healthy, balanced and safe work environment with respect to mental health. The Relief for business program is tailored to senior management, managers, and employees, and features a combination of awareness, training, information, support and intervention, philanthropy, and cutting-edge research.

Chief objectives of the Relief for business program

  • To continually support the organization through all its ups and downs (staff retention, engagement, movement, etc.);

  • To foster a bias-free work environment and encourage internal dialogue about mental health and burnout;

  • To support managers and employees in adopting behaviours that improve work balance and quality of life;
  • To lead employees toward accountability for their wellness or their recovery process;

  • To offer self-management support at all levels of the company or organization (leadership, managers and employees).


Unique new partnership

Thanks to the CPQ-Relief partnership, SMEs will benefit from a 15% discount on the Relief Affaires program. For more information on the funding assistance program, visit the website. In addition, employers eligible for the workforce training program can obtain financial assistance of up to 50% of eligible expenses by applying to their local Service Québec office.




Contact relief for business


L’autogestion, l’ADN de Relief, est à la base de tous nos services. Une approche en santé mentale appuyée par la recherche scientifique et les données probantes.


étapes du programme


  • Charte                d’engagement
  • Badge défenseur de la santé mentale
  • Sondage annuel
  • Kit de communication


  • Accès à un-e intervenant-e 
  • Accès à un groupe de soutien
  • Coaching individuel pour gestionnaires



Un engagement envers le bien-être et la pérennité de votre organisation

Du soutien personnalisé pour accompagner vos employé-e-s et gestionnaires

Un éventail de services et d’outils disponibles à tous les niveaux de votre organisation

Une contribution à la santé mentale collective


Adhérer au programme


les valeurs au coeur
de notre mission et de nos services


Notre concept de soutien à l’autogestion en santé mentale et notre approche axée sur la recherche et les données probantes 



Aux produits et services disponibles dans les organisations 


Notre capacité d’aider la personne qu’importe le milieu où elle se trouve 



Notre volonté de développer, de promouvoir et d’offrir des services accessibles à tous. 


Relief Affaires en chiffres
(avril 2023 à mars 2024)


employé-e-s et gestionnaires rejoint-e-s par nos conférences et webinaires


organisations participantes au programme


conférences de démystification


formations - Mon Relief au travail 
destinée aux gestionnaires


gestionnaires formé-e-s


 Adhérer au programme


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