I want to feel better
you've just
taken the first step towards feeling better
And we're with you
for those that follow.
When you’re overcome with suffering, you may have suicidal thoughts. It’s important that you seek help immediately. There are many resources available 24/7 to help relieve your suffering and keep you safe. You are not alone.
would you like to be guided through an individual approach?
With the support of a Relief mental halth worker, keep moving forward with active listening and self-management tools to achieve your goals and (re)find a better quality of life.
are you a relative of someone living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity?
Sometimes, it's hard to know how to support a suffering loved one while taking care of your own mental health. Without the right tools, living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity can be very painful. And it can be just as painful for you, the loved ones, who suffer from seeing someone you care about suffer.
We can help!
if you'd like to join a group approach ?
take part in a self-management workshop
Are you living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity? Finding concrete strategies and tools to (re)take power over your health is possible. During 10 to 12 weeks, led by our mental health workers, learn to get to know yourself and what you are experiencing, assess your health and your options, choose what you believe is best for you, and take concrete action to make changes in your daily behaviours.
for more information or help with registration :
do you want to connect with people going through the same thing as you ?
take part in a support group
Each week, you can take part in free support groups—facilitated by our mental health professionals—for flexible support that’s there when you need it, whatever the ups and downs in your life.
would you like an appointment with a mental health worker ?
One free appointment is offered to you from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for individual support, information and referrals.

email us
[email protected]
Monday to Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Write to us

meet a mental health worker
By appointment.
Monday to Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
getting better…
my way
A free online tool to help you identify ways to get better and map out things you can do to take care of your mental health, independently and at your own pace.