also discover: L'anxiété, au 21ème siècle
would you like to learn more about caregiving for mental health?
You are at the right place.
You can count on our team to support you in your first steps and in those that will follow.
Discover more episodes
Better is a narrative documentary series based on the real-life experiences of journalist and mental health advocate Joëlle Pouliot whose life was put on hold six years ago when she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Why ‘Better?’ It’s the word every caregiver wants to hear and be able to give.
How are you feeling? Better.
How’s Joëlle doing these days? Better.
Why don’t I feel… Better?
See all episodes
Episode 1 - Dealing with the Diagnosis
Episode 2 - Culturally Competent Care
Episode 3 - Resentment and Resilience
Episode 4 - Money and Mental Health
Episode 5 - Chosen Family
Episode 6 - Love, Loss and Friendship
Episode 7 - Talking Suicide
Episode 8 - The Future is Possible
Short Description to come
learning more about helping someone you care about, it's already being on the right path!
It can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why our team created a non-exhaustive list of resources to consult:
How can I help a loved one who is living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity?
3 Tips for Helping a Loved One Living with Anxiety, Depression or Bipolarity
how our team can support you through the ups and downs?
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., you can talk or meet a mental health professional for free:
+1 866 738-4873
[email protected]
Facebook Messenger
+1 514 529-3081 ext. 100
(to book an appointment)
For more support, you can connect with others and share your highs and lows:
Discuss on the forum
Participate in a support group
Participate in a self-management workshop
Other free tool available:
Getting better my way
living with mental illness and having a good quality of life, is possible.
One way to do this is to have the right tools to guide you in your daily behavioural choices. That's why the self-management approach exists: to take back control of your mental health.
Also discover:
How can you look after your mental health with self-management?
What are the benefits of mental health self-management?
discover more stories
We invite you to listen to and read the mental health journeys of people living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity and who kindly remind us that understanding it already puts you on the right path.
a breach to anxiety
It talks about anxiety, here through the personal testimonies of 6 courageous and sensitive people. It's a short film that immerses us in nature and insists on the senses and on the emotions that we share.
self-management and bike trips:
a parallel
Mathieu Meunier shares his journey filled with learning, self-introspection and hope.
Mariève's relief
Mariève shares her path and fears, as well as the importance of acceptance to get better.
Lauriane's relief
Lauriane shares her path by breaking taboos around her diagnosis and sharing strategies that have helped her care for her mental health.
living with anxiety and depression
Living with a panic disorder and depression, Petrona Joseph, author of the bestseller “Stigmatized - Breaking the Silence and Demystifying Mental Illness”, shares her journey with Édouard, a mental health worker at Relief. Petrona shares her personal moments and the tools that have helped her better navigate the ups and downs of her mental health, including the self-management approach. An inspiring discussion that emphasizes the importance of asking for help and taking care of yourself.
love and depression with Joëlle Pouliot
How can we love when we're struggling with a mental health issue? How can we support those we love when they're fighting depression? Joelle Pouliot is a journalist, who works for a mental health organization in Montreal, and has struggled with the effects of depression on her ability to love.