Press release ― Revivre has been renamed Relief - The path to mental health.
To reflect our organization’s growth and vision, Revivre has been renamed Relief.
Our name might have changed, but nothing else has. Still the same team. The same mission. And the same support. We’re just creating the means to do even more for people living with anxiety, depression, or bipolarity – and their loved ones, so they can keep moving forward.
“I feel like I’ve been reborn!” These are words that we’ve often heard from people who have benefited from our services and participated in our workshops.
So we’ll always think fondly of our former name. It’s part of our history – and yours. But we’re not reborn every day. It’s not the end of one life and the beginning of another. Mental health is neither a beginning nor an ending.
Mental health is a winding road, with its highs and lows, its peaks and its valleys.
Our role is to provide you with the tools to face life’s changing and sometimes upsetting realities. To support you in your personal mental health journey. That's why Relief exists: to help you live with your own version of relief.
Revivre was there for you in the past, and Relief is now and will continue to be there for you in the future.